Instant Smile Makeover With Teeth in a Day Implants

If you’re missing a tooth or two, you don’t need to suffer in silence.

Gaps in your smile due to missing or damaged teeth can play havoc with simple everyday functions like eating and speaking. If you struggle to enjoy your favourite foods and are frustrated with having to adapt how you chew or pronounce your words, it’s time to consider tooth implants.

Implants are among the most common and successful ways to replace lost teeth. They are built to provide complete stability and they look and function just like your natural teeth.

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What is the process?

Your initial free consultation at The Dentalist will include a comprehensive examination to determine the best dental implant procedure for you. This evaluation includes X-rays, taking impressions, and matching the colour of your teeth to make your implant look as natural as possible.

Then, the dental implant procedure can begin. You will to undergo a surgical implant placement procedure, where the oral surgeon will insert the implant into your jawbone. This stage can take a few months to heal. During this time, the implant will fuse with your bone tissue, allowing it to function as a natural tooth root.

Once the implant has healed, you will return for the final step of the treatment process: the restoration. Your dentist will place the abutment and crown onto the implant, and you’ll be able to smile and chew in no time!

Benefits of Dental Implants

Natural Looking

Dental implants are a natural-looking solution to missing teeth. As long as they are taken care of, they can also be a permanent option, which means you won’t have to worry about them coming loose or falling out. Implants are also a good option for people who have trouble wearing dentures for aesthetic or practical reasons.

Prevents bone loss

Tooth implants are an effective way to prevent bone loss in the jaw. If you lose a tooth, your jawbone will begin to deteriorate because there’s nothing there to hold onto anymore. When you add an implant, it acts as a scaffold for new tissue growth and helps keep the surrounding area healthy.

Improves self-esteem

If you’re not happy with your smile, it can have a negative impact on your self-esteem. Tooth implants can give you the confidence you need to smile once again. With implants, you’ll no longer have to worry about gaps in your teeth, accidently spitting or spraying your food. You’ll find a new found confidence to enjoy life once again.


Dental implants are securely anchored in the jawbone, meaning they won’t slip or move around like dentures. They are also one of the most durable tooth replacement options with a high success rate. This means that you can have your implants for many years, and even a lifetime, with proper care.

How do Dental Implants work?

Dental implants are made from titanium and are placed directly into the jawbone where the two will fuse together over time. The base of the implant is then easily attached to an artificial tooth crown made of either porcelain or ceramic material that looks and feels just like your natural teeth.

For this reason, they don’t require any special care. You can eat, brush and floss as normal without noticing they are there.

If you’re considering tooth implants, it’s essential to consult with a qualified implant dentist to see if you’re a good candidate for the treatment. Not everyone is a suitable for implants, so it’s essential to get a thorough evaluation before making any final decisions.

Why Choose The Dentalist?

As dedicated artisans and expert implantologists, our sole mission is to create exceptional smiles through specialised dental implant services and cosmetic dentistry. This unique focus positions us as pioneers in both fields.

Our expertise extends to comprehensive mouth rehabilitation with dental implants, accentuated by the cosmetic enhancements that elevate smiles to the extraordinary. Our commitment goes beyond merely placing implants; we invest significant time and meticulous attention in designing custom porcelain bridges that define your transformative smile.

Every aspect of our practice is devoted to our patients and their smile aspirations. Continuously, we are driven by our passion: to animate smiles with our cosmetic finesse and unparalleled skill in implantology.

Dental Implants FAQs

Dental implants are artificial tooth roots made of titanium that are placed into the jawbone to support a replacement tooth or bridge.

Dental implant surgery is performed under local anaesthesia, so patients should not feel pain during the procedure. Some discomfort and swelling may be experienced after the procedure, but this can usually be managed with over-the-counter pain relievers.

Dental implants can survive for decades or even a lifetime with the right upkeep and care. To maintain their lifespan, however, annual dental exams and proper oral hygiene practises are important.

Dental implants carry some dangers, such as infection, nerve damage, and implant failure, just like any surgical surgery. However, when the procedure is carried out by a skilled dental professional, these risks are typically minimal.

Studies have shown that dental implants typically have great success rates, up to 98%. However, elements like the patient's general health and oral hygiene practises can impact the implant's success.

Recovery time from dental implant surgery can vary depending on factors such as the number of implants placed and the patient's overall health. Generally, patients can return to work and normal activities within a few days to a week after the procedure.

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